"There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby." That's a common phrase parents of newborns often hear. Well, I think I found something sweeter...TWO sleeping babies! This was taken on my first official day off of the summer season. We easily slipped back in to our at-home routine.
Don't be fooled. This moment was not long-lived. So, no need to get that picture in your head of me just kicked back for a couple of hours in leisure!
Maeve, of course, drifted into nap mode much quicker than her big brother. She has been really sweet in letting me be able to lay down with Cam like I always have. Either she sleeps herself in another room or she'll quietly sit on the bed or lay in my arms just looking around. In order for Cam to "rest" as he says it, he has to have some kind of event to look forward to when he gets up. It doesn't have to be a big event. It could be something as simple as eating a popsicle. It could be the greatest reward imaginable for him...spending time with "his boys," Clayton and Carson. Today's event that lured him into resting was a trip to the park when we woke up. It was hard for him to shut his little three-year-old body down. He kept playing with anything within arm's reach. He said several times, "Mama, I just can't sleep." I repeatedly told him to "Be quiet and be still." I know. That is no easy feat for this little one who rarely stops talking and moving. So, finally, after I had drifted into sleep mode a couple of times myself, I awoke to that heavy breathing that means Cam has finally joined the nap club for the day.
I slithered out of the bed hoping not to wake either one. I tip-toed downstairs to grab the camera for this kodak moment. I guess this was a moment almost too sweet to be captured because when I came back upstairs to take the picture, the camera battery was dead. So, another trip back down to get the charger then back up to let it charge. I probably let it charge for about 2 minutes but it seemed like 20! I just knew this moment was going to pass before I could document it. I kept looking at them at the door of the room, trying to etch it into my mind just incase it passed before I could get the camera working.
"Click!" I got it! Just in time. As soon as I was gathering up the camera and it's charging supplies, Maeve cried out. I rushed in to swoop her up so that she wouldn't disturb the one who had finally been overtaken by Quiet and Still.