After almost five months of just being a fulltime mommy, I had to return to work today. The couple of weeks I went back in May felt very temporary, but today I knew it was a permanant state. It was hard to leave my sweet baby girl and not know her every action during the day. As Tony confesses, she is very attached to me. (And I love it that she is!) We have no established "at work" routine, so we'll be working on logistics of taking care of the daily household duties for the next couple of weeks.
I cannot imagine ever having to leave my children in the care of strangers. I am SO thankful that my mama is able and willing to take my place when I'm away. (In fact, I don't think I ever really asked her if she could keep Maeve. I just assumed she would since she has been the caretaker of the other grands.) In many ways, they are in better hands when they are with her because of all the parenting wisdom she's gained through the years. I know she wonders how they ever survive while they are in my care. She could have a job that actually pays her money, but instead she sacrifices and chooses to fill in the gap for us. For that, I will be forever indebted to her. There's no way I could ever repay her for the love and the time she gives to my babies.
For now, I return to the world of being a working mother and always having "miles to go before I rest." I'll hang on to my precious memories of our lazy days of summer.