We made a trek to the strawberry patch today. Cam wasn't really begging to go, but I talked him into on my behalf! I love strawberries in any kind of combination! So, I drug them with me to fill a bucket full of these shiny, red delicacies of spring.
Like with many of our outings, I find myself needing just one more hand. It was hard to pick the berries, keep Maeve from eating the berries in the dirt, and make sure Cam was choosing some good ones for us and not the mushy ones. With all of this going on, I really struggled to man the camera too.
We had juice on just about every inch of us by the time we had filled our bucket!
Not sure which is sweeter:
the berries or these babies!
After she squished quite a few, she decided
she might like to nibble on a few.
Pretty sure he ate more than he put in the bucket.
The bucket is almost full...until Maeve tried to swipe
a few for a taste test!
"Phew! This bucket sure is getting heavy, Mama!"
One for the road!