Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer: Ready, set, GO!

We are getting set for summer....

a little baseball

lots of relaxing

toes flip-flop ready

pooltime with friends

Mother's Day

After much work on Saturday, my Mother's Day proved to be very relaxing.  I dressed Cam and Maeve to match the beautiful azaleas that were blooming at our house.  Church, nap, shopping, and playing made it a great day to be a mom!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Strawberry Pickin'

We made a trek to the strawberry patch today.  Cam wasn't really begging to go, but I talked him into on my behalf!  I love strawberries in any kind of combination!  So, I drug them with me to fill a bucket full of these shiny, red delicacies of spring.

Like with many of our outings, I find myself needing just one more hand.  It was hard to pick the berries, keep Maeve from eating the berries in the dirt, and make sure Cam was choosing some good ones for us and not the mushy ones.  With all of this going on, I really struggled to man the camera too. 

We had juice on just about every inch of us by the time we had filled our bucket! 

Not sure which is sweeter:
the berries or these babies! 

After she squished quite a few, she decided
she might like to nibble on a few.

Pretty sure he ate more than he put in the bucket.

The bucket is almost full...until Maeve tried to swipe
a few for a taste test!

"Phew! This bucket sure is getting heavy, Mama!" 

One for the road! 

Monday, May 3, 2010

14 Months

Fourteen months of Maeve!  So, I thought walking would soothe her highstrung temperment a bit.  Not the case!  Just as she arrived in the world at a fast and furious pace, she wants all of her needs and wants met at this same pace.  Mama said that she takes after me, and if had been the first child, I would have been the only child.  Now she tells me!

Maeve is now on-the-go! 

As much as she demands of us, she gives us sweetness right back.  We love the way she "gives love" by putting her curly head right up next to whatever she is loving.  She walks around imitating us talking on the phone.  She talks up a storm that only she can understand!  She thinks Cam is the best playmate ever, and just cracks up at the slightest glimmer he gives her that he's choosing to play with her. 

We lovingly refer to her as our Maevey Gravey.  Cam prefers just Grave.  I've recently referred to her as my MaeMae.  Don't know what we ever did without her and all her demands! 

Look at all those locks! 
Maybe her nickname should be Goldilocks!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Game Ball

After the trials and tribulations of practice, Cam has turned into quite the little t-baller!  He loves his games, his cheering section, and, most of all, his uniform!  Tony has been able to work around his high school baseball to do all of the practices and games until last Wednesday night when they both had make-up games.  I was a bit unnerved as to how Cam was going to respond without having his daddy in the dugout. 

Much to my surprise and the others who have watched him stuggle (especially with that team picture!), he went out there and did not miss a beat!  I was so proud of him.  I think his coach was equally as proud because he awarded him the "game ball!"  I could have just cried, but I held it together behind my sunglasses. 

He didn't really know what getting the game ball meant, only that others had gotten one.  He said, "You mean I get to keep this ball forever?!"  When we got home, he ran upstairs and displayed it on his bookshelf.  He's decided that you can't play with a game ball. 

May this be the first of many!