A year and half has passed since our baby girl arrived, and with each new month, she has wrapped us tighter around her finger. We just thought we loved her the day she was born. It's just amazing that our hearts haven't burst.
Clapping and saying, "Yay!" |
Right now, she is such a little copycat. She understands so much and will imitate exactly what you are doing. She especially loves to copy Cam as she is assured that she is just as big as he is these days. She is very much into music and entertains herself with songs and dances. She loves to dance in the car with the radio up loud and tap her toe to tunes. She's just started singing the tune of the ABCs, and I'm pretty sure even a stranger who heard her singing could recognize the tune.
Watching Big Brother to see what the next move will be |
We love when she comes into the room or picks up a telephone and says a loud, 'HeaWoah!" One of our favorite tricks of hers is to sing a name and she'll sing back the matching name. For example, if we sing "Ma-Ma, Mama" she'll respond by saying "Da-Da, Daddy." She's putting us all together and knows who belongs with who.
The perfect spot to read |
Her curly locks continue to get longer, and we are still baffled at what to do with them. If she doesn't have a bow pinning back her hair away from her face, she'll brush it back with her hands (and a little attitude). It's long enough to wear in a ponytail. However, it is rare for her to sit still long enough to put it in. It's so cute how it curls around the holder and looks like a little bun. And the pigtails are precious too, but that's double the time to sit still. Then, after all that work as soon as she gets in the car, she starts pulling out the ponytail holders and giving them back to me.
A perfect sideview of the hair and the finger sucking |
And those fingers, are still her biggest comfort. Although she doesn't walk around sucking on them all the time, if she is just the slightest bit tired or upset, they pop into her mouth. Cam was 18 months when we took his beloved "buddy" away. It's going to be a little harder to break her from those fingers. (Surely she won't be 18 and still loving them!)
"How much longer can this day get?"
I just about waited too late to get an 18 month to the day picture. |
A year and half of Maeve...seems like we have loved her forever!