I have literally said this all day, but it is so hard for me to believe that Cam is five years old! I mean, I can almost remember every detail of the day he was born just like it was a moment ago. Better even than the actual moments ago on many days! That sweet black-headed baby whose first tiny cry threw me into a whole new realm of myself...the realm of motherhood. And as daunting as some of the tasks may seem at the time (from picking out just the right outfit that is not too handsome in any way to laying down beside him when he finally calls it a day), each one encompasses my heart. I cannot separate who I am from who he is and who he is becoming.

We started the day with a "Happy Birthday" serenade from me. Scratchy throat and all. I'm sure he loved that! We put 5 candles in his breakfast banana bread, and we all sang to him again, with Maeve singing the loudest. At preschool, I joined him for lunch and came bearing Spongebob and Patrick cupcakes. His class sang to him. He came back to school with me so that he would not have to endure the dreaded resttime. My class was thrilled to entertain him and insisted on singing for him (and writing him birthday cards). We hurried away from there and stole an icecream date at Scoops. He said he was going to get chocolate, but is just like his mama and always goes for his same thing...superman! He watched his beloved T & J on the way home then a little SB while waiting on his supper entourage to arrive. After feasting on baked spaghetti and cleaning his plate, he waited patiently for presents. We sang one more "Happy Birthday," making that five rounds...perfect for the fifth birthday! Now he is tucked in tight with his SuperMario pajamas on, enjoying his first night of five year old dreams! As he put it several times today, "I'll never be four again!"

Cam, you've heard me read these words over and over: I love you for all that you are and all that you will ever be!