Just after the birthday fun, we get to to dive into the love celebration. Maeve started us off this year with her Jesus Loves Me party at her school. I was able to go and take in some delicacies: heart-shaped ham, turkey, and peanut butter sandwiches. We embellished these with heart-shaped cheese and crackers too. They were devoured! With all of my heart cutting, I forgot that I volunteered to bring the drinks too. So, after casually passing out the cheese and crackers, I frantically headed to the nearest store to get the darlings something to drink so no one would choke on their hearts! I don't think my glowing girl even noticed that I came running in carrying the boxes of drinks and nearly hurled them at each of her classmates.
Three of the Sweetest Girls Jesus Loves - Maeve, Anna Belle, and Dani-Kate |
CoCo's Valentine treat came later that afternoon when I had to take him to the vet about his beauty mark - also known as his tick-like mole that had gotten larger and larger through the years. That morning it was red and inflamed and larger than ever. I was worried that I needed to take him right away, but the heart-shaped food took precedence that day, so I settled for taking him after work. Of course, the outcome wasn't easy. His strawberry-like mole required surgery to remove it. And anytime an old dog walks into a vet clinic, the money meter starts ticking. While usually we don't lavish gifts on each other, CoCo got a pricey present this year. I was nervous about his old heart having to be sedated, but he came through it just fine. He was very upset with me when I finally got home to him the day of his mole removal. But after that night, he was a picture perfect patient (even more so now without the distracting mole hanging from his short little leg)!
Cam and I moped our way to school on Valentine's Day, distraught that we did not have a holiday on a real holiday. Before leaving, I surprised all of my loves with special donuts to help jump start the day. Cam and Maeve got heart-shaped donuts and Tony got his lemon-filled ones. I got a sweet card that almost made me shed a tear before I walked out the door. Valentine's day in elementary school is really too sweet to miss so once we were there, it was fun to feel the love from all of our little people. Cam's class started with an early morning party of sweet treats and a valentine exchange.
Later that night, we hosted the annual Relay for Life Daddy Daughter Dance. I got to dress up my valentine girl in a poofy dress and sparkly shoes, attempt to fix her hair in an up-do, and listen to tunes provided by my DJ husband. I also enjoyed seeing all of my third grade girls dressed up with their daddy on their arm. Sweet time indeed!
Just when I thought the day couldn't be any sweeter, when I reached my driveway after a long day of love, much to my surprise, the sound was much different. What was that sound underneath my tires? Why it was the sound of fresh gravel leading the way to the place I love the best! Some people like flowers. Some prefer jewelry or chocolate. Not me. Give me a driveway filled with fresh gravel! A gift that is very symbolic of our love - solid as a rock!