Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gym Girl

Maeve did round two of gymnastics this summer, and this time she had graduated from the mommy and me class up to tumble tots! For extra security and extra fun, we recruited Anna Belle to go with us. The girls loved the rides to and from the gym, and I think they liked the gymnastics part of it too. 

Maeve is most excited about her new "flip" skills. (Although most would recognize her flip as the common forward roll.) She also walked on the balance beam, hung from the uneven bars, jumped on the trampoline, crawled trough tunnels, bear crawled, back handspring, and hopscotch. She was busy and attentive at each class.

She finished her last summer class this week. We know we will definitely be back at the gymnastics gym soon. Love helping her find her niche.