I am thankful for the past. As I prepared my side dishes for our Thanksgiving dinner, it brought pure delight to know that my Granny was part of all of it. I have done my best to replicate her famous chocolate pies. They still don't hold a candle to hers, but they are getting better and better. I inherited a decorative platter from her kitchen and thought it was perfect to hold the ham. Then, as I made my traditional grape salad side, I used the last few pecans I had in my freezer that were cracked and shelled by Granny and Grandaddy. As I looked at the finished products, I realized that family is a thread that runs through us and truly lasts forever.
The present gives me constant joy. I never knew how precious it was to pass on the gift of giving until now. After we put up our decorations, I slipped a few presents under the tree. Cam was of course interested in them, but not in the way he usually has been. He didn't want to know when he could open the one with his name on it, but he wanted to know when he would be able go out and purchase some gifts for us. He saved some of his birthday money (all the way from February) and enlisted Nonna to help him take care of his gift-giving mission. They went out on Black Friday (because he couldn't wait any longer) and made the three purchases. He got something for all of us, wrapped them up, and has them waiting under the tree. The love and responsibility her showed by doing this is just tender. I can't wait to see his reaction when we open the presents he picked out for us.
Never have I seen someone so excited about the season as Maeve. All week long she has been filled with that amazement that little ones have by all the sights and sounds of this time of year. She remembers a lot from last year, like where we put the tree or where a certain decoration should be placed. She helped me put up every part of our Christmas decor. And although I usually leave a few things in the boxes, every piece was special to her and she wanted to find a spot for it. She helped Moo all afternoon with her tree. If anyone needs motivation to get into the fa la la spirit, they should definitely borrow Maeve for a little while.

Our future blessings are coming trifold- as in triplets! Aunt Kim and Uncle Tommy are expecting three babies next June. We have been with them on their heart wrenching quest to be parents. We know these three little ones that have our hearts already are nothing short of miracles. To have three of them coming at once is just astounding to all of us. They are proof that our God has perfect timing. Through them the power of prayer has been made evident and shown itself to be very powerful! I know our family of four will be blessed by having the triplets in our lives. Tony and I get to be Aunt and Uncle again after having the experience of having our own children. Although Laura and Chris have always trusted us with our now big nephews, Clayton and Carson, we know having a little parenting under our belts may be very beneficial as we help guide and help out Tommy and Kim in their new roles of mom and dad. I am happy Cam and Maeve get to have cousins on the other side too- the other side of the family and the other side of the age spectrum. They will get to be in the role of the big cousins. It will be exciting to see my two in the role-model position as they learn to love and play with their baby cousins. Just wow! (Wow! Wow! Wow!)