Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Year Without You

It has been a year since we had you in our life. A lot has changed in our year without you. We live in a house that you never lived in with us. We aren't sure you would like living here anyway. There isn't nearly the privacy that you were accustomed to. We are kind of glad we didn't have to uproot you again to another new home. 

Just the other day we were reminiscing about you and thinking about what it would be like if we still had you with us. Cam helped to soften the memory of the dreaded day when you left us as he convinced me that you would likely not be with us even had the tragedy that took your life not have taken place. 

We have a new set of paws that have walked into our hearts. As much as we would like to think of what life would be like with both of you, in actuality, if you were here, she would not be. 

She has helped to heal the hole that you left in our hearts. It is much different having a puppy around compared to a dog nearly a century old in dog years. She is fresh and new and full of life. She prefers playtime as opposed to rest time. She chews and chews where you slept and slept. She dusted off your old toys that were barely used and proudly plays with them each day. She snuggles in your old bed in the new laundry room while we are away and at night.

 She never knew you yet you share the same spirit- mostly sweet with a hint of wild! She loves Cam and Maeve but I am her person. She has tried her best to soften Tony, but he won't ever be a dog person. 

We will see you again. Until then, we will continue to be a dachshund family. You were and will always be my first fur baby.

Christmastime's A Comin'

We LOVE this time of year! So much to do, and so many memories to make. 

We made a gingerbread house and then Elfis came back! 

The babies were dedicated.

Enjoyed the hometown Christmas parade. These three loved seeing the new sights! 

We are trying to find just the right spot in our new home for our Christmas decorations. Someone keep rearranging them though! 

Gathered with extended family and got to open the first gift of the season.

Went to church- Eric Church. Merry Christmas to us from Mr. TMC! 

Polar Express Day in kindergarten. Maeve and Layla wore the same pjs. Since then, she has gone around and shaken a bell. She will tell you if you believe or not. 

Elfis brough elf hats for all- Pearl included! 

We had cookies with Santa and the cutest little friend! 

Santa visited Moo's house during our Granny Christmas gathering too!