The Christmas parade was the usual for us. Very cold, very rushed to get there. But there was one person in our crowd that made it all worth it....Maeve! She went to sleep on the way to town because she was all warm and toasty in her layers. But, when she woke up, her eyes were filled with wonder at all the lights and sounds she was experiencing.
For the first year, Cam walked right up to Santa, jumped in his lap, and started talking to him! There was no coersion, no protests, no tears...just a little boy who knows what it's all about now. I would have loved to hear what he was telling Santa, however, Maeve was screaming out of terror! She, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the strange man with the long white beard. Even after seeing Cam was with Santa for a few minutes, she did not warm up to the idea of sitting in his lap. The second time we tried to pass her to him, she squalled even louder. I'm guessing I'll have to wait another three years to get a happy picture of her and Santa.
All in all Maeve enjoyed her very first Christmas. I had a great time dressing her for each little occasion. She had so many cute Christmas outfits that I really needed another month to get some more wear out of them. She awoke to a sea of pink with a monkey theme on Christmas morning since she's our "Maevey Monkey." She, typically, was more enthralled with Cam's toys than her own. I have caught her several times"tending" to her new babies.
Christmas is very much a magical time of year! We are so thankful for this time together and for all of our many blessings!