A couple of weeks behind, but I could not go without posting the milestone 9 month pictures. This photo shoot was perhaps the best time Maeve has had yet. She was very cooperative and very smiley, even though it was getting close to her bedtime. It may have helped that just the two of us went; we left our boys at home.
When I tell people she's nine months old, it feels official now that she's not my baby baby anymore. She's just a few months away from one. Wow! The year has gone by so fast.
We are looking forward to sharing Maeve's first Christmas with her. The first time she saw the tree in our living room, she clapped her hands. She loves pullin up on the hearth to ring Santa's bell. One time Santa actually toppeled over on her. She was quite perplexed when that happened. Each night, she undecorates the bottom part of the tree. I put our most baby-safe ornaments on the lowest level knowing this would probably be the case. We tell her "No! No!" and she grins back at us and says, "Na, na, na, na!" I love dressing her in her in all of her Christmas clothes. Wonder what she will think of the loot Santa will leave?
I know each year as I take these pictures out, I will love remembering our nine month old Maeve.
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