That's right. Maeve is already six months old. That's half a year. That's halfway through her baby days. This means party planning is just around the corner, along with crawling, walking, and talking. She has mastered sitting up and loves to play with anything that's she knows isn't a baby toy. Her two-tooth grin is becoming just that; you can finally see those teeth when she shines that smile at you. She likes to blow big juicy bubbles when she's excited while making her harms go out like an airplane and then quickly back in like she's going to chop you up!
Being the experienced mother that I now am, I decided it was time to give her some "puffs." (Technically on the container it says to wait until baby lifts up her body up as in a crawl.) Well she's not quite there yet, but I knew she would love the challenge. So, I sprinkled a few on her highchair tray. Instantly she worked her propeller-like arms to the tiny unknowns before her. She worked her little fingers so they grasped one, and like everything else, put it straight to her mouth. The first few didn't quite make it into her mouth, so I helped her out a bit. She looked at me like, "Why have you been holding out on me all this time?" She knew what to do once it was in her mouth. Those little jaws started knawing away. She continued trying to get the tiny pieces into her mouth all by herself. Minutes of entertainment!
We are continuing to love our Baby Girl! Amazingly our love grows and grows!
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