Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Rare Moment

"There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby." That's a common phrase parents of newborns often hear. Well, I think I found something sweeter...TWO sleeping babies! This was taken on my first official day off of the summer season. We easily slipped back in to our at-home routine.

Don't be fooled. This moment was not long-lived. So, no need to get that picture in your head of me just kicked back for a couple of hours in leisure!

Maeve, of course, drifted into nap mode much quicker than her big brother. She has been really sweet in letting me be able to lay down with Cam like I always have. Either she sleeps herself in another room or she'll quietly sit on the bed or lay in my arms just looking around. In order for Cam to "rest" as he says it, he has to have some kind of event to look forward to when he gets up. It doesn't have to be a big event. It could be something as simple as eating a popsicle. It could be the greatest reward imaginable for him...spending time with "his boys," Clayton and Carson. Today's event that lured him into resting was a trip to the park when we woke up. It was hard for him to shut his little three-year-old body down. He kept playing with anything within arm's reach. He said several times, "Mama, I just can't sleep." I repeatedly told him to "Be quiet and be still." I know. That is no easy feat for this little one who rarely stops talking and moving. So, finally, after I had drifted into sleep mode a couple of times myself, I awoke to that heavy breathing that means Cam has finally joined the nap club for the day.

I slithered out of the bed hoping not to wake either one. I tip-toed downstairs to grab the camera for this kodak moment. I guess this was a moment almost too sweet to be captured because when I came back upstairs to take the picture, the camera battery was dead. So, another trip back down to get the charger then back up to let it charge. I probably let it charge for about 2 minutes but it seemed like 20! I just knew this moment was going to pass before I could document it. I kept looking at them at the door of the room, trying to etch it into my mind just incase it passed before I could get the camera working.

"Click!" I got it! Just in time. As soon as I was gathering up the camera and it's charging supplies, Maeve cried out. I rushed in to swoop her up so that she wouldn't disturb the one who had finally been overtaken by Quiet and Still.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer's Coming!

Resting on the towel

Swimming Snack

Happy, tank-topped girl

Today, Memorial Day, was, in the eyes of many, the official start of summer. Although it was overcast for most of the day, the sun made it's appearance long enough for us to enjoy the afternoon poolside.

When work is over, it will feel like summer for sure for me. I hope it's an endless one. These are sure to be just the first scenes of summer!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Strawberry Patch

Today we took a trip to the strawberry patch. Cam had never picked strawberries, and it had been a very long time since I had. We went with Aunt Laura, Clayton, and Carson.

We put Maeve in the patch for a quick photo opportunity.

I think Cam ate more strawberries than he put in the bucket.

Let's just say it was a sweet afternoon!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Night, Night

The rest of my house is fast asleep. The nighttime routine around here in itself is enough to make anyone tired. Baths, bedtime snacks, preparations for the next day...the list never ends. Just when I think I can go to bed, another task that needs to be taken care of pops into my head. This time is priceless I know so let me ponder the great things about it.

I have a husband who is run ragged as he has put in a full day of work plus a long baseball practice regime. When I finally do nudge him over to his spot in the bed, he'll wake up and give me a big squeeze and tell me that he loves me and then go right back to sleep in an instant. (If he reads this, I bet he won't remember ever doing this.)

I have a three year old who was so excited that he couldn't nap today because he was going to play with his "boys." No nap means he is extra worn out. Just after Maeve was born, he finally decided he could go to sleep in his bed up stairs. I guess it had to be his decision, not one that we forced on him. I love to lay down with him up there. He ponders life's biggest questions as he winds down the day. Tonight's was, "Mama, whose stomach did you come out of?" He has been really consumed with knowing these kinds of facts. He says his prayers in all sincerity. His prayers are simple and to the point. He says exactly what is on his heart. I love to tell him, "I love you" just to hear him sweetly say in return, "Love you too."

I have a two month old who is fast asleep after eating for the last time of the day. She's settled in to quite the routine already. She eats one last time then stays awake for just a little bit. She's been going about 8 hours at night before she needs a little more milk in her tummy. She usually wakes up to eat again sometime in the five o'clock hour. She doesn't cry loudly when she wakes, she just makes a little "uh huh, huh" sound to let me know that she needs a dry diaper and, while I'm at it, a little something on her stomach to top her off for a few more hours. She is still sleeping in our room in the cradle that was her daddy's. (I just can't bear for her to be so far away from us yet in her big crib.) I love being able to wake up and listen for her tiny baby sighs.

Lest I forget the brown weenie dog that requires the least out of me at night. After making sure he's gone outside to take care of his business, he's usually eating his dogfood. (He waits to see if he will be getting anything better before he eats for the day.) Then, usually before any of us are ready to get into our beds, he's curled up in his. His bed is in the corner of our room beside our bed. He sleeps hard at night and snores loud enough to wake me up during the night. I don't know what makes him so tired. He spends a good portion of his day in bed doing this exact thing!

As for me, I just had to take care of this post before turning in. Maybe I will also freshen up my flowers, fold another load of laundry, read a chapter in a book...nahhhh. Not tonight. I'm joining the rest of my family. Night, night!