Monday, December 20, 2010

Great Joy

The theme of this Christmas season has been "Great Joy!"  This theme started when I read my class a book by that title.  I had never read the book before, but picked it up because it was written by the same author of the novel we were reading, so it had to be a good one.  The author did not let me down and allowed me the perfect lead in to a little testifying in the public school!  Since then, those words have been popping up in my thoughts, my conversations, and most recently in a sermon.  Lord, I thank you for showing me daily glimpses of the joy you have for us....GREAT JOY! 

Here are some pictures that capture the great joy I have experienced this season:

Cam writing his first letter to Santa
Maeve  - not a care in the world!
Matching Christmas Pajamas
Watching the Christmas parade on Daddy's shoulders

Cam full of innocence...

...and spontaneity!

Cutest elf ever!
Policeman Cam - He DID it! 

Santa + Granny + Cousins = Nothing but Great Joy!
Pure Preciousness!