Monday, November 16, 2009

A Sunday Afternoon Drive

We've had a long week with Maeve who has been battling sickness. She had a viral infection, which equals fever, lots of snot, a rash, and waking up all through the night. Needless to say, we are all tired and weary.

After work on Friday, I drove up to Moo's where she was outside with Cam and Maeve. Even there Maeve wasn't satisfied, just fussy and wanting to do more than she really can. So, Cam was cruising in his "WahWah Monster Truck." I took Maeve over to him and the truck and asked, "Can you ride her in your truck?" He was oh-so proud to be trusted to drive his little sister. And Maeve was just beside herself in awe! She could not stop smiling. As she rode around slowly, she was clapping her hands and messing with the dials on the radio. She kept looking back at us. I don't know if she was making sure we were watching or making sure she was going to be ok. It was such a treat to watch the two of them being BIG together.

On Sunday after church, I had to let Tony in on the treat. So, once again, the two of them set off to riding. I strategically dressed them in Georgia outfits so it would be even cuter in the flag-adorned truck. Got some precious pictures. As they rode off down the driveway, I couldn't help but think: This is going to be a real image one day.

But for now, I'm fine with them just pretending to be all grown up.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

8 Months Old

With the changing of the months, comes the realization that our baby girl is adding another month to her age. Eight months already!

She grows and changes so fast. She now has 6 teeth: four on top and two on the bottom. On my birthday, she started crawling like a pro, finally getting those arms and legs in a coordinated motion. She's progressed from waving her whole arm to doing that classic backwards hand wave. We practice this any chance we get throughout the day. She babbles all the time. She started with "DaDaDa" and "buhhh" for CoCo. She is now sweetly saying "MaMaMa" when she wants me or she wants more to eat. Cam is feeling a bit left out since she says Mama and Daddy. He commented, "Why won't she say CamCamCam?" She frequently laughs out loud at him. She already is smitten with that older brother. We'll see how long those feelings last!

Wonder what this month will hold for her? We are already wondering where our Christmas decorations will have to be displayed in order to keep her from harm. I know the trees will be high on her list of things to get in to!