Thursday, June 24, 2010

Amelia Adventures

Matching Babies on the Beach 
(Getting this was much harder than it may appear!)

Carson turned 8 while we were there

Just too sweet!  She loves new places!

Cam looking SO big!

This was our fifth year straight going to Amelia Island and staying in the same place.  In many ways it feels like our home away from home.  We love being able to spend this time together as a family (or atleast I do...Tony may feel differently).  There's just something about being together at the very beginning of each day and at the end that brings you that much closer together.  And when we all return home to our separate houses, that's probably what I miss the most about being with them.  Here are a few of my favorite shots from our family trip (Don't worry family....I'll spare all adults of the bathing beauty shots!):

Napping on the beach...what could be better?

My two shrimp in front of a shrimp

Moo and Doo's stair-step grandchildren:
Clayton 12, Carson 8, Cam 4, Maeve 15 mo.

Cam Can Swim!

One of those proud mama moments happened while we were on our family vacation at Amelia Island. Cam started swimming!  Coincidentally, he did it in the same pool where I learned to dive many years before.  We were on our typical routine of beach/pool/rest.  As we were coming up from the ocean, I realized I forgot to bring the "shark" life-jacket/floatie combo down with us. (Hard to imagine that was possible considering I had everything imaginable in my bag!)  I didn't say anything about it, but decided when he wanted to get in to the pool, I would just tell him them.  So, he went to get in and said, "Hey, where's my shark?"  I told him that I left it and that it would be fine for him to get in without it. He said, "Maybe I can swim.  Let me try."  So, he did his first attempt and quickly went under without the support he had become used to from his shark.  Wiping his wide, fearful eyes he said, "I can't swim." Luckily, Aunt Laura chimed right in and said, "Cam that was good.  Keep trying.  You can do it."  A little outside encouragement was all it took.  You know if I had said those exact words he wouldn't have bought it at all.  So, he kept trying a few more times and we would correct and instruct the best we could.  Then all of the sudden, he just did it.  Face down in the water and little feet just a' kickin!  He swam from the step to my arms that were outstretched.  He came up and his eyes were wide, but this time instead of fear they were filled with accomplishment!  

Loving the spotlight, we called everyone out to see him in action.  He was thrilled to show off his new skill, and we all made a big deal out of it.  In the back of my mind, there was a tiny piece that thought this day may never come.  From being so fearful of the water just last year to swimming like a little shark this year, he has come a long way! 

I felt like I was out of my body watching the events take place.  How could it be that my baby boy was able to swim?  Watching and being a part of all of his preschooler milestones makes me realize just how fast they come. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beach Babes

Our first taste of the beach this summer was at St. Simon's Island.  Although Tony and I had been on a couple of church camps there, we had never been for a beach vacation.  We were pleasantly surprised at how many treasures we found there.  From the sandollars and contant dolpins spotted swimming by to the little boutique warehouse that I could spend a small fortune in, we thoroughly enjoyed our stay. 

Maeve's experience on the beach was very little as she was a 3 month old the last time she was there.  We were scared to get her in the sun too much and heaven forbid a little sand get on our fresh baby girl!  What a difference a year makes!  She did not hesitate even for one second to get sandy and run straight for the waves.  She even shrugged us off as we tried to help her "fight" the waves.  She's such little determined thing!  She ate sand, rested her head on the sand, and even dipped her sucker in the sand for an added texture and taste!  She is destined to be our beach baby!

And, finally, Cam enjoyed being on the beach.  This comes after many trips of destesting the sand and the heat.  I used to have to bribe him out there with snacks, and when his snacks were gone, so was he...back inside!  He even decided that he could get in and ride the waves!  This was a far cry from last year when I don't even think his big toe hit the water!  He still wasn't 100% busy and occupied, so I'm thinking a bike and a baseball bat and ball just might turn him in to a true-blue beach boy. 

Ahhh, Summertime!