Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Tuesday of Tubes and Tearducts

Maeve finally had her tubes put in her ears and her tearducts unblocked on Tuesday.  After about a month of planning, we were finally able to coordinate the two doctors needed for this high maintenance girl.  It was a nerve-wracking experience for Tony and me.  Maeve took it in stride.  Being true to her style, she was a tough trooper.  By the middle of the day, she was acting like nothing ever took place.  With it being just a week before her birthday, we're thinking she'll be 100% for sure by then.  Just in time to celebrate! 
Chilaxin' with my fingers and hospital gown before surgery

Enjoying a little snack afterward and getting ready to head home

Warm-Weather Wagon

The warm weather last weekend gave us a preview of spring.  We got to do some outside things that we had not done in a long time.  Maeve got to ride in the wagon. The last time it was warm enough to enjoy this she was not able to sit securely in it, but this time, she had no problem.  She pretended it was her chariot, with her favorite driver being Cam.  Come on spring!

This wagon is maxed out!

Faster, brother!

Playing outstide is fun!

    My "three" babies

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentines

Maeve decked out with hearts from head to toe.
Cam is just going for the red theme under that coat.

Maeve's 1st Valnetine's Day

Cam enjoyed an afternoon at the circus with Moo, Doo, and his boys.
I know he loved it!

I love that Valentine's Day falled on Sunday this year.  This meant that I got to be with my loves.  Cam and Tony picked out the perfect Valentine for me....a snuggie!  Just what I needed on this snowy weekend.  They also got me some very sweet cards.  I am feeling the love!  To my all three of my valentines: 

“You are what I never knew I always wanted.”
Fools Rush In

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowy Weekend

In true time, so as not to get a snow day from school, the snow started falling on our winter break.  I thought since we weren't going anywhere, that we would not get to see any of the white stuff.  Wrong!  It's a winter wonderland here.  And since I was a bit preoccuppied last year when it was here and really didn't get to enjoy it, I have been just as excited as Cam, if not more!  We've made snow angels, a snowman, had snowball fights, and topped it all off with hot cocoa!  Priceless kind of day! 

Bundling Up

Angel Time

Wow!  What is this stuff? 
Our attempt at a Frosty (We really needed Daddy's help!)

Our Winter Wonderland
Our Snow Baby
In the line of snowball fire! 

11 Months

 Our Maeve is getting closer and closer to the one year mark.  She's busy pulling up and trying out her balancing skills.  No true steps yet, but when she starts, it's on!  I will be one busy mama!  Now I can leave her in a safe place and walk away for a bit knowing she cannot get too far. When the walking begins, I will have to keep my eye on her every second. 

She likes to wave "bye bye", and she claps alot.  She yells for Cam when he's upstairs.  It's so funny to watch her mock us and realize how odd we must sound to her.  Her latest trick is whistling.  If you ask her to whistle she'll make a tiny circle with her mouth and suck air in and out of it.  You can barely hear a faint little whistle coming through.  It is the cutest! 

She goes later this month to have her tear ducts opened since they are clogged and don't seem to be able to correct themselves.  While she's in for that, we've decided that tubes are a must too since she's had back- to-back ear infections for the last 5 months.  She won't know how to act when tears aren't constantly running down her face or when she doesn't have to be on antibiotics to get rid of the ear infections. 

We are busy planning the big ONE birthday bash.  It should be a memorable event since we are having a double party with Anna Belle. 

We love you Maevey! 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Four Years Old

The Boys in Stairstep Style

Cam turned four today!  After counting down the days for a few weeks, it's hard to believe this long-awaited day has now come and gone. 

He enjoyed a Tom & Jerry party with family last night.  Opening presents was definitely the highlight of the night for him.  He kept saying, "Yeah baby!"  "Look at this!" "You aren't ready for this!"  "I think I see a Tomy peeking out!"  With just a few kids, we still managed to keep with the T & J theme.  We played "Pin the Tail on Tom" and "Tom, Tom, Jerry" (like Duck, Duck, Goose).  All of the cool people also picked out their own ears to wear.  We had multiple gray Toms and several tan Jerrys running around. 

Today, the actual birthday, Tony and I both took half a day off and went to party at Cam's school.  We took cupcakes and goody bags.  We also took Maeve, which was Cam's request.  He wanted her to be able to come to his class.  We spent the day just enjoying our four year old. 

Tom Cam and Jerry Maeve (she had already shed her ears)

How can he be four already?  After he made me a mother, I realized that birthdays weren't really for the children at all.  They are a time for the mamas to reflect upon the great transformation; when you go from being just yourself to being someone's mother.  What was my life without him? 

In some ways it seems as though we've never been without him.  Each night as I'm tucking him in, I always tell him, "I love being your mama. You are my favorite little boy!"  Usually he says, "And I love being your son!"  Will he ever really know how much I love him? 

Happy Bithday, Cam!