Saturday, June 30, 2012

Put Your Hands Up!

Six Flags was hit by the McCullers this week. The Tuesday before the first day of summer is the perfect time to go- the lines were short and the sun wasn't brutal. Iappears that we have one child who is like me and one just like her father! Cam, who read this school year to earn his ticket, was Mr. Anxiety when it came to any ride. He asked every question possible before agreeing to try it out- Have you ever ridden this? How fast does it go? Does it go upside down? Do you get wet? How long does it last? Does it jerk? Please remind us to give him some kind of medicine before we take him back. Despite all of the nervousness and questions, he did enjoy himself. I think he will definitely be fired up about reading for another ticket next year.

Maeve, our Miss Adventure, would ride any ride that she was tall enough for without hesitation! She rode a pretty fast roller coaster, Coyote Rocket, with her hands raised the whole time! She loved every one. When it was finally time to call it a day, she sobbed saying, "I want to ride more!"

Looks like we may be taking a yearly trip for many summers to come.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Our beloved Lake Lanier is, by far, our favorite camping destination. It is mostly because of the familiarity of it since we've been going there forever. When Laura and I were girls, it felt like our camping vacations lasted forever. We never left the campsite as that luxury was reserved for our daddy. He made a daily venture to retrieve the basic necessities....for me that was a container of boiled peanuts or maybe some candy!

Now camping isn't quite so primitive and we leave quite a bit. There are stores and shops much closer to the camper than they are to our house!so we take advantage of the convenience while we are there.

One of the greatest privileges of being a parent is being able to pass on family traditions. And camping is one if ours that we are handing to the next generation. Moo and Doo love to take their grands to Lake Lanier, even though with them in tow, it is definitely not relaxing. They are on-the-go as long as the boys and the princess are around.

Suggie Island is the prime location for entertainment. It is just a little way from the campground by lake but it offers solitude and sandy lake beaches for enjoyable entry into the green waters. It was christened Suggie by Cam who caught on to Moo's nickname for Doo, which is Sug (as in Sugar)!

Priceless time in a not-so pricey place!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gymnastics Girl

Maeve is doing a mommy and me class once a week this summer. These are pictures from her first class. She loved it! And surprisingly wasn't shy it clingy in a new place among new people.

She learned how to put her hands up and say, "Tada!" when she lands. She came home bragging that she can do a flip (forward roll) like Cam!

She wore a leotard and looked very muscular compared to many of her little classmates. Not sure that she will be an Olympic star, but at least she will have fun trying!

Sweet Summertime

The time of year we long for. The time that we get to be off of a schedule. The time to do things we've left undone. The time to just be.