Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tubes x3

We were referred to the pediatric ENT once again for Maeve's ears.  Upon first look, it appeared she had a tear in her eardrum.  After looking at them under a more powerful microscope, the specialist could tell there was no tear, just extreme fluid.  So, round three of tubes was prescribed.

What better day than Good Friday to endure a little pain.  Painful early morning on our first day off, painful traffic, painful listening to Maeve bellow when having to take medicine.  But, that was the extent of our pain.  Maeve, being the trooper she is, took it like a champ.  We experienced a tiny little God moment when the nurse practictioner who was caring for her sprang forth into our room exclaiming, "Are you the parents of Maeve McCullers? I have a daughter named Maeve!"  In the four years that we have been Maeve's parents, never have we met anyone who has declared this.  So, my nerves instantly calmed as I knew that was God's reminder to me, "Julie, I've got this.  She is going to be just fine."

And He did, and she was!  I got to walk her into the OR and be there with her until the anesthia kicked in.  She was gone from us for about 10 minutes tops.  And woke up saying, "My ears aren't crackling anymore."

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Would You Like to Save Some Money?

This was the start of Cam's sales pitch for his coupon books fundraiser for school. He came home the day of the coupon book kickoff on a mission. He was going to sell 15 books in order to ride in a limo. He thought of everyone he could that he could call and sell to and had me write down their numbers. And before day break of that same day, his mission was accomplished! Future salesman perhaps.

Can this really be my child? I mean, I was the Brownie who got my sister to pose as me to call and ask people about buying girls scout cookies. Since becoming a mother, I have finally gotten over my phone phobia.

Today was the day when his hard work and determination paid off. He got picked up from school at his lunchtime and was driven in style to Your Pie for a pizza lunch. When we asked him what the best part of the ride was, he quickly replied, "Not having to buckle!" Life lived simply by a seven year old.

I asked him if he planned on working towards next year's reward and he responded with a smile and an "Oh yeah!"

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fabulously Four

Maeve marched into our lives four years ago and changed us all for the better. We look at her now and still see glimpses of that golden haired baby that boldly made her fast and furious entrance during a snowstorm. She is just as sweet as she is stubborn, and just as smart as she is beautiful. And now she is fabulously four!
March 2, 2013

An early morning birthday celebration

Our Blue-Eyed Baby Girl

Already 4 Candles

She is our princess in every way- the only grand girl on either side and can get just about anyone to do exactly as she pleases. So, when asked about a party, she very quickly responded, "a princess one."
Anna Belle and Maeve's first dress choices

Snow White letting Cinderella do her make-up

A little bedazzle
Cinderella and Snow White 

This Stephen Curtis Chapman song reminds me so much of our Maeve at this point:

She spins and she sways to whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing
The weight of the world on my shoulders

It's been a long day and there's still work to do
She's pulling at me saying, "Dad, I need you
There's a ball at the castle and I've been invited
And I need to practice my dancing, oh please, daddy, please"

So I will dance with Cinderella (or Snow White in our case!) while she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella, I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight and she'll be gone

We are basking in the innocence of her being four and holding on to each moment of her royal ball of childhood. We love you, Maevey!
Her Chariot Awaits

Snow White and her Prince