Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Would You Like to Save Some Money?

This was the start of Cam's sales pitch for his coupon books fundraiser for school. He came home the day of the coupon book kickoff on a mission. He was going to sell 15 books in order to ride in a limo. He thought of everyone he could that he could call and sell to and had me write down their numbers. And before day break of that same day, his mission was accomplished! Future salesman perhaps.

Can this really be my child? I mean, I was the Brownie who got my sister to pose as me to call and ask people about buying girls scout cookies. Since becoming a mother, I have finally gotten over my phone phobia.

Today was the day when his hard work and determination paid off. He got picked up from school at his lunchtime and was driven in style to Your Pie for a pizza lunch. When we asked him what the best part of the ride was, he quickly replied, "Not having to buckle!" Life lived simply by a seven year old.

I asked him if he planned on working towards next year's reward and he responded with a smile and an "Oh yeah!"

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