Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Strawberry Pickin' Tradition

The strawberries were ready early this year, and so were we!  We even roped Daddy into going with us, which made it so much easier.  We met our favorite B and her family too.  Then headed to root on the Yankees.  Sweet, sweet Saturday!
My favorite pickers
They are getting so good at it
(Check out "behind" them!)

All the berries were small.  Maeve thought she found a BIG one!

Cam wasn't so worried about the bigness - just the sweetness!
Brenna 2, Maeve 3, Cam 6
Got a full bucket of berries
When we got home, I made a fresh strawberry cobbler and a yummy strawberry, grape, watermelon, and blueberry salad.  Shocker what a little berry picking can bring out of me!  

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