Saturday, April 17, 2010

Number 5

After a long practice season that made us think this may be the only ball practicing we would ever get to do with Cam, he magically began to love t-ball.  All it took was getting his uniform!  He's always been crazy about playing dress up, so I guess this is the ultimate dress-up outfit for him. 

After getting the jersey and the hat, we had to go purchase the rest of the uniform.  (We had waited on this because it was looking like we may not ever make it to the games).  He had to put on the jersey and hat in the car on the way home.  Then, when we got home, he had to try out the entire uniform, including the cleats.  He was very excited about being a real ball player! 

The first game was fun for him. (This was after a little team-picture mishap that nearly ruined the fun for all of us).  He had the biggest fan club, and everytime he did something on the field, he would look out at all of us and give us a thumbs up!  He was very comfortable putting on a show for everyone and seemed to love being in the spotlight.  Hmmm. Wonder who he gets that from? 

We are looking forward to a fun season with our favorite number five!

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