Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

After baseball interferred with our original spring break plans, we declared this week a staycation.  It was certainly that.  If only we never had to work, we could get into so many things!  Although we didn't have a single sleeping-in day, it was nice not to have to set any alarm clocks.  (We have two very reliable ones that chimed each morning before dawn!) 

We started with a busy Easter weekend.  When the weekdays began, we took advantage of the sunshine and had a pool day.  Maeve loved splashing around, and Cam finally released himself from the steps and was confident enough to trust his shark to hold him up as he swam all around the pool.  We fired up the grill and enjoyed eating and visiting with friends.  We took in a baseball game, which included a bag full of snacks and many baby-step laps around the fans.  Wednesday we had a playdate with Anna Belle in the morning and then took a day trip to the aquarium with Nonna.  Maeve loved looking at the "ish," and Cam was just so excited about seeing what was next.  We spent a day with "the boys" and did a little spring cleaning after an early bedtime.  We ended the week waiting on a new friend, Brenna, to arrive.  We finally all met her on Saturday.  We also had ballpractice, a birthday party, and friends over to eat that day.  Phew! 

Now it's time to return to the normal routine.  Six more weeks until we can have that glorious summertime that we all look forward to the whole year through.

Maeve sporting her new monogrammed suit!

Cam finally not so fearful of the water

Taking in the sights at the aquarium

The Boys
Holding Baby Brenna with my Big Baby looking on

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