Cam looked forward to Mother-Son Skate Night for weeks before the event. I thought he was looking forward to it so much because it was on the eve of his birthday. I am not much of a skater (actually not one at all...never have been one) and since I was still recuperating for my classroom wipe-out injury, I decided definitely to spare us both insult and injury. Luckily, Nonna came to the rescue and enjoyed some rink time with her favorite little McCullers.
Ready to break in his new skates |
Come to find out, he must have been looking forward to it because of his serious skating skills! He was so impressive for a six year old. It wasn't his first time skating, but it was my first time seeing him skate. (Yep. I still avoid it like the plague. Only his Uncle Tommy and Kim have taken him before.) Nonna let him open an early birthday present before coming so he was sporting his very own skates! He had so much fun! He fell many times but nothing too serious. He would get right back up and at it.
Eager to get out on the rink - didn't even need a buddy |
I have a hard time believing that my child has skating abilities. He definitely didn't get those from his mother!
No skates on this mama's feet! |
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